Valentine's day , Let's share love each others

             Valentine's days isn't always for a couple that falling in love.. So, hi you,single person, never feels sad about this day.! Today is yours. Love must be shared to every body.. At this time, I wanna say valentine's day to my parents for the first time. They're who the first introduce the love to me. Introduce love of God to me, even I'm full in love now..

            So, just show your love to every body, not only by red rose or chocolate but you can share the love together with unlucky people like beggars, orphanages and many more. And actually, valentine's day is not only celebrated on February 14th, but every day is valentine's day..

Some group of people in certain country forbid people to celebrate Valentine's day because the reason that this event like a hedonist and risk in free sex and drugs party. But, Just back to your self, it's depend on you, how the way you to enjoy this day. take the positive side and let the negative side go out.. Every body has their right..

Love is You and You is Love..
Happy nice and blessed valentine's day.
God bless


  1. banyak cerita tentang cinta yg ada didunia..
    dari remaja dan yg muda juga diusia senja..
    semua manusia haus akan cinta dan kasih sayang..
    namun hanya didalamMU, kutemukan cinta yang tiada pernah berubah..
    cintaMU terlebih besar dari semua cinta yang ada didunia..
    kuterpesona karenaMU"CINTAMU TERBESAR"..


    1. Ya, Cinta itu dari Tuhan, kepada Tuhan dan untuk Tuhan, sebagai rasa cinta kita kpd Dia, cintailah sesama, krn mereka adalah citra Allah


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