If today you give up and wanna suicide
I wanna give you four ways to avoid it because suicide same with killer, and killing is a sin. There is nobody in this world can end the life of others people as they want although in the name of punishment or just wanna be avengers, even yours. God is the judge of the judge in this world and it’s not our right to judge. So does suicide, it’s named that you have killed or ended your life while you are so precious for God. Some one decides to end his life because there are so many problems in his life even they can’t solve it one by one. This is the way that recommended for you by the time you get the situation.. 1. Please come to Lord . Share what’s your problem in the pray. He’s the only source of help. Ask Him to strengthen you. 2. Try to share your problem to your family because they’re the closest people who can cover your problem. They hav...